5 slow living goals for July

5 slow living goals for july

June is over already, can you believe it? For me, it’s been a good month with a few short holidays and the most beautiful sunny weather. I’ve started running again and spend my weekends in the sun. Not too bad! Now July’s here, my birthday month – I turn 24 in only a week. That’s why I thought it would be a good idea to make July a month to strive for slow living goals. I want to implement a few habits I should have started practising already and refocus on my goals for the year. But first, let’s recap my June goals:

Have a vegan day

This totally worked! I actually realised how much of what I eat is vegan anyway, so on days I wasn’t eating out/with friends a vegan day was no problem at all.

Switch off for one day a week

No comment. This didn’t happen at all. Maybe next month?

Turn my home into an urban jungle

Yes! I started growing my own avocado trees (thanks for the guide Siobhan!) and I got some more plants at the nursery. It’s really addicting, so I can’t wait to buy some more. I’ve also gotten into the habit of buying fresh flowers every week and it makes my home such a happy place.

Take ill-fitting clothes to the tailor

Didn’t happen. Soon, hopefully!

Make my own-iced tea

With the heatwave last week I definitely made some iced tea. Just very simple with earl grey tea and some lemon. Do you have any favourite recipes?

3 out of 5 – not too bad, right? And now: 5 slow living goals for July!

Do nothing else while eating

I’ve started to eat at the table, without the TV or my phone nearby this week and it’s so hard! I don’t really want to admit how difficult I find it to do nothing besides eating – no scrolling through Instagram, no e-mail, nothing. I really hope this gets better over time, we’ll see!

Get enough sleep

I have gotten about 5-6 hours of sleep every night lately. Not completely catastrophic, but I’ve noticed that I’m tired all day every day as well as quite addicted to coffee again. I want to go to bed grandma-early and wake up refreshed every morning.

Start some kind of journal practice again

I feel like time is flying by  so I want to be able to remember it in some way and reflect on the days. It needs to be something simple though, maybe a gratitude journal? Any tips?

Completely switch off on holiday

I’m going back to Uganda in two weeks and I seriously can’t wait! Just like last time, I want to stay away from the phone and internet completely.

Stop multiscreening

Another one that will be quite hard actually. I want to stop looking at my phone while watching Netflix and actually only do one thing at a time. Maybe this way I’ll actually remember what I’m reading/watching on TV!

These are my five slow living goals for the month. Nothing ground-breaking, but essential habits for a happier life I think. Did you try implementing these? Did it work? Let me know if you have any tips!


  • Hanna
    July 2, 2017



    Eine schöne Idee sich für jeden Monat “Living-Goals” zu setzten! Muss ich auch Mal ausprobieren… Die Idee mit dem Avocado Baum ist grandios und einen Tag “Analog-Leben” probiere ich eh ein Mal die Woche :).

    Viel Spaß in Uganda,


    P.s.: Vielen Dank für deinen netten Kommentar auf meinem Blog. Er hat mich rieeesig gefreut! Leider weiß ich noch nicht wie ich auf meinem Blog auf einen Kommentar antworten kann, deshalb bedanke ich mich einfach hier für ihn :).

    • Hanna
      July 8, 2017


      Liebe Hanna,
      viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren! Ich kann’s empfehlen :) Hoffe, du hast ein schönes Wochenende und einen guten Juli!

Meet Hanna
Hanna's Places - a green lifestyle blog

Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.

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